We are privileged to have together the following Registered Dietitians and Diabetes Educators collaborated to guide the students through the topics. Please see their LinkedIn profiles linked on their photographs.
Komal Deepak Kumar MSc, RD (UK)
Program Co-ordinator at Panacea Health Education and Diabetes Obstetric Dietitian, NHS, UK
Dr Meenakshi Bajaj, PhD, C.D.E., R.D., CCN (U.S.A)
Dietician,TN Govt.Multi Super Speciality Hospital & Coordinator,Academy of Clinical Nutrition,MMC. Former Dietn,RGGGH, India
Malena Perdomo, MS, RD, CDE
Registered Dietitian and Diabetes Educator, food blogger, Colorado, US
Love Matibag RDN
Assistant Manager, Clinical Nutrition Services(Asian Hospital and Medical Center) Clinical Dietitian (CDR Registered), Philipines
Gauri Shingote, RD & RDN (CDR)
Founder & CEO at Juvenate Wellbeing, Indian
Ramya Ramachandran, MSc, RD
BPNI Certified infant and young child feeding
specialist, Nectar Integrated Health, India